Except for the allergy attack, probably due to mold, probably due to lots of rain followed by sunny days. I'm on my second generic version of Benedryl®. I'll give it an hour then, if there's no improvement, I'll take another. It makes me sleepy, which just adds to the chronic fatigue from which I already suffer. So there will be no enjoying this beautiful Sunday. Well, a little bit of enjoying it, but nothing big. No going out and doing something entertaining and/or productive. (I still need to mow the lawn.)
I talked with my mom this morning. That's always nice. She's doing okay with a couple of minor problems. She says she's started sleeping late - not intentionally. I suggested that she's now making up for 80 or so years of not being able to sleep late. I warned her that, now that President Obama has got his health care passed, she'd better look out for the death panels.
An acquaintance of mine has written a book. The trailer looks pretty good. I hope the book is as good because I plan to read a copy. It's available for the Kindle! Here's a link where you can learn more. The book is called "Mousetrapped."
Benedryl and mucus are affecting my brain, so I'm stopping here.
Update: 45 minutes later and I've taken my 3rd Benedryl
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